Assessment is a diagnostic, formative and summative process. It provides a snapshot of a student’s attainment and provides information to help the teacher plan the next stage of an individual’s or group’s learning and to further develop the work of the student. It should also inform the student of their current position and how to reach the next stage. It should engage the student in the process of their learning.
At Chelveston Road School we use Go4Schools for recording and tracking students’ data. We will use the information that we record on Go4Schools to provide an Interim and Annual Report to parents / carers. These reports will be provided electronically.
As students at Chelveston Road School progress towards Key Stage 4, the Senior Leadership Team in conjunction with class teachers, will determine the best assessment arrangements for each student in order to provide the best opportunity to demonstrate their full potential. Parents and Carers will be kept fully informed as to what examinations, assessments will be taken by each student during Key Stage 4.